Nathan Walker


Clench (2020)
20 mins HD video
Exhibited as part of ‘An Elastic Continuum’ at S1 Artspace, Sheffield. Curated by the New Materialist Reading Group
Photographs by @photo.csv

Clench (2020)
20 mins HD Video
First presented as part of SLANT Forms in Flux online 
Video on request  

Dressing (2021)
10 mins HD Video
First presented as part of Spill Yer Tea
Video on request

Back Hand (2019)
5 mins HD Video
Published in Blackbox Manifold Issue 23, special edition edited by Linda Kemp 
Video link

Cope (2018)
17 mins HD Video
Performance for camera
Available to view online

Scaw (2015)
4 mins HD Video
Published online in Datableed Issue 2

Objectivity Tropes / Objectivist Poetry (2011)
12 mins, 3-channel SD video projections, looped.
Installed as part of the group exhibition Hunter Gatherer at Project Space Leeds, Leeds. 

Nine artists from across the North of England were invited to create new work in response to Artemis, an amazing collection of over 10,000 objects relating to world cultures, fine and applied art, science, natural history, textiles and costume, social history, childhood and more. 

Exhibiting artists: Amelia Crouch, Lubaina Himid and Susan Walsh, Dinu Li, Rhiannon Silver, Bryndà ­s Snà ¦björnsdóttir and Mark Wilson, Lisa Stansbie and Nathan Walker.

Nathan Walker

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